St Julian's Bay Hotel i San Ġiljan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaSt Julian's Bay Hotel



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51, Censu Tabone Street, San Ġiljan STJ 1217, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2138 6422
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9150372, Longitude: 14.4933475

kommentar 5

  • Michelle Salas

    Michelle Salas


    Bed bugs!!! Need I say more. Woke up on the very first day covered in bed bug bites. To make things worst the hotel management refused to acknowledge it was a problem. They changed our room but then placed new guests into the room with bugs. Don't stay there!

  • John Hackett

    John Hackett


    Stayed here first weekend in May. Booked a standard room with side view balcony, Don't expect panoramic views of the Med.from these rooms & you won't be disappointed. Staff very helpful & friendly & the room was cleaned thoroughly each morning of our stay. Tea making facilities were provided. Can't comment on the breakfast which was available at a reasonable cost as we chose to wander around the bay taking breakfast at the many beach side cafes available. I believe this hotel represents exceptional value for money for a basic stay on Malta.

  • Judith Faulkner

    Judith Faulkner


    Rooms clean staff excellent. However hotel is subject to noise from cafes on the seafront. With a sea view room can't get any rest until early hours when music stops. Then there is lots of noise from drunk groups walking past hotel until nearly daylight. It's midnight as I'm writing this and music sounds like it's in this room and I'm going to have to put earplugs in to sleep once again. Not hotel's fault but be aware if you are visiting this area.

  • Tanzy A

    Tanzy A


    Excellent value for money. Great customer service. We had an issue with our excursion timings and the hotel promptly sorted everything out. Really friendly staff. Clean rooms. Great location, central to many restaurants and lovely views.

  • Ignacio Navero

    Ignacio Navero


    The room was big and clean. The staff are helpful and gave us good recommendations. The last day they printed our boarding passes. They have a refreshment room so you can have a shower or get changed in the time between the check out and the way to the airport. The breakfast is good but it has room for improvement.

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