St. Julians Police Station i Saint Julian's

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaSt. Julians Police Station


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25, Saint George's Road, Saint Julian's, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2294 3401
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Latitude: 35.9189694, Longitude: 14.4896136

kommentar 5

  • ko

    Jihee Lim


    완전 불친절!!!! 심각한 상황에서 옆에서 장난 쳐 침!!!

  • en

    Simon Sedorenko


    Corrupt cops here. Beware dealing with them. They'll lie, cheat, and assault members of the public for their own amusement. Several court cases have been made against this department.

  • Efra M

    Efra M


    Went here when my phone was pickpocketed. They were helpful.

  • Brian Tonna

    Brian Tonna


  • en

    Gudrun Knobel


    At the city police in st. gilian my son Marco was brutally beaten at 15,06,2014 in the night in st. gilian.There were several men and a woman,when my son was lying on the ground,atacktierte a woman with her shos, the high top heelshad repeattedly his head.The police watched as my son on the most brutal example had to fear for his life!His friends took him to the ambulance,it was interested in the little police, what injuries he ,a shame for the city, the proper guardian, have failed miserably-a shame for the beautiful island of Malta! I ask as a mother ,these people who have something done to my son.

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