St. Mary Magdalene Chapel i Ħad-Dingli

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MaltaSt. Mary Magdalene Chapel


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Ħad-Dingli, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356
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Latitude: 35.8516996, Longitude: 14.3855945

kommentar 5

  • selami sagir

    selami sagir


    Nice view

  • Jeffrey Au

    Jeffrey Au


    A small, yet extremely photogenic chapel situated on a cliff facing the Mediterranian Sea, it provides a great view of the cliff and the sea and an amazing place of worship for the locals. However, there is not much to do nearby the place, which is rather unfortunate as this structure and surrounding areas are, I believe, underappreciated.

  • Darren Cascun

    Darren Cascun


    Beautiful Church and beautiful view of Dingli Chliffs

  • Costanza Volpini

    Costanza Volpini


    I am a bit disappointed about this place. The church was nice only for the view. About the cliff I expected more, I have visited Cliff of Moher one year ago and I think that this last one are a thousand better.

  • Niq Howard

    Niq Howard


    This is a small photogenic church that packs a punch in the photography world for how small it is. The views are awesome and there is a small deck on the back side to stand and take it in or benches nearby.

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