Stanley's Chippy i Victoria

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MaltaStanley's Chippy



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San Gorg Basilica, Victoria, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2720 0007
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Latitude: 36.0443677, Longitude: 14.2390142

kommentar 5

  • Sarah Simcock

    Sarah Simcock


    Best fish and chips we've had in a long time. The fish was very fresh and the batter on the fish was lovely, the chips were nice too. The service was excellent and the staff were very friendly. Would definitely recommend. Thank you.

  • Christian Grech

    Christian Grech


    Fish was okay. Curry sauce was good. But the chips! Dear god they were horrible. I expected proper chips not frozen chips! And to top it all off they were served on a plate the size of a coin. "Chips" on the bottom and the fish on top which makes the chips go all soggy and wet, and unedible....

  • Domenico Coppola

    Domenico Coppola


    Awesome place located in the center of Gozo, right in front of St. George's Cathedral. As you can see with the picture I have attached, the prices of their main dish, fish and chips, are quite impressive. The portions are astounding. Now, I'm a big guy, alright, and the regular one filled me up completely. The cod is battered perfectly, but the best part is the fish itself: fresh and tasteful and the ideal companion to a crispy batter. One ought to give props to the kind madame who served us, guess she's the owner. She constantly checked on us to see if everything was on point. Would definitely recommend!

  • tutek



    Menu very simple, but very taste and not so expensive. Service good level. I recommend this place.

  • Maria Savinelli

    Maria Savinelli


    The food is quite cheap so you cannot expect much from food. Anyway I'd reccomend it for a low expectation meal. The staff is very nice.

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