Sunset Seaview Apartments i Gozo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaSunset Seaview Apartments


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Triq Il Batterija Qbajjar Marsalforn, Gozo MFN 1620, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 9947 9598
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.0782048, Longitude: 14.2503941

kommentar 5

  • Alex Junicov Ginting

    Alex Junicov Ginting


    Nice view, cheap price, close to halte bus, the owner are friendly and kind. they have all information you need to explore Gozo

  • Carol Ross

    Carol Ross


    Excellent superb comfortable

  • Zoltán Lakatos

    Zoltán Lakatos


    The owner was so helpful and friendly. The kitchen was well equipped if you want to self-support. There was a supermarket near the apartment (1 km). If you rent a car you don't need to wait for the public transport. The buses only run every hour

  • Franklin Balzan

    Franklin Balzan


    Very good location and friendly owner.

  • Boris Turchik

    Boris Turchik


    Nice set of rooms with private bathroom/shower and shared lounge/kitchen area. Couple of restaurants nearby, but you better cook your breakfast yourself - there's no cafe open on Sunday morning (maybe there are some in Marsalforn, but we've headed the other way). Otherwise it's a lovely place to spend a night, good shore stroll at night and a nice starting place for a hiking day. Oh, and you better have the cash ready here.

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