Ta' Randi restaurant i Il-Mellieħa

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MaltaTa' Randi restaurant



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Triq Gorg Borg Olivier, Il-Mellieħa, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2152 3343
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Latitude: 35.9583276, Longitude: 14.3618238

kommentar 5

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    Donna Bee


    Popular place, very interesting decor, very historic and interesting - a lovely place to eat. We didn't have to book, although it looks quite small from outside it is actually quite big inside. There's a good selection on the menu and it is cheap. We had 4 pasta dishes with drinks which came to 38 euro and the food was very tasty and good portions - service was good. I will visit here again

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    Christopher Maggs


    Staying at nearby hotel, chose Ta Randi for lunch today. Best meal all week! Staff kind and helpful and happy to correct my mistake about ingredients for beef bragiol!!. First time I've tried this dish and it was delicious, well presented and very full of flavour. Wish I wasnt on half-board cos could eat here each evening as well!!!

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    Yanica Bonnici


    We visited the restaurant on a Sunday evening at around 8:45pm and staff wasn't welcoming at all. This restaurant has an area which is located in a cave and we wanted to sit in this area however we were told they were going to close off the area after the only table with people dining in this particular area would leave....mind you they were still waiting for their food in fact we left the restaurant before this table left. Other than that service is quite fast and the food was really great! Would visit again hoping to get a better service.

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    Gary Spencer


    Very nice restaurant old fashion in decor great food if you go must try the burgers A1 ok nice to relax and enjoy your time there.

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    Albert Volcek


    Great place to try Maltese food. I ordered rabbit, it was tasty, I liked it. Girlfriend ordered Maltese salad. Before main food we ordered Maltese starter and then we saw that its almost the same as Maltese salad, lot of snack variations, some spicy things. We liked this place, staff was nice, they have free wifi. Food is not costly.

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