The Basement i Ħ'Attard

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaThe Basement



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Triq L-Imdina, Ħ'Attard, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7957 0073
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8893481, Longitude: 14.4406975

kommentar 5

  • Asha Caroline Caruana

    Asha Caroline Caruana


    Excellent choice 'Half Rack of Ribs with Chips and Salad' Wonderful waitress, friendly and helpful! 😊

  • Joseph Alexander Borg

    Joseph Alexander Borg


    Decor was nice and food was tasty. But the service time and quality needs to be improved as it's a big turn off at the moment. The place needs better lighting as well. It has a lot of potential!

  • Francesca Scicluna

    Francesca Scicluna


    A place to go for a casual dining. Being situated in a 'basement', the environment is very dark. Good food and skilled waiters.

  • Carlos Sousa

    Carlos Sousa


    We stopped by for a Sunday lunch and we got positively surprised by the burgers which were delicious (we had the Smoked and Pulled Pork). The space itself has a nice setup for a lounge bar but not much for a quiet lunch as the place (being in a "basement") has less light. Still was a good and positive experience and I will for sure stop by again.

  • Benji Micallef

    Benji Micallef


    The food here is excellent, had the chicken and avocado burger. Although the setting is a club lounge with few sit down typical tables, there is a lot of ambient noise, great for a lively get together but not so good for a quite meal. The decors is stylish with an industrial feel. The bar is well stocked especially with different gins. Parking also is not impossible so all in all it is worth a visit.

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