The Convenience Shop i Gzira

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaThe Convenience Shop



🕗 åbningstider

Gzira, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.9078609, Longitude: 14.4962397

kommentar 5

  • Arkadiusz Held

    Arkadiusz Held


    Podstawowe produkty spożywcze jak i chemia. Jest ok.

  • Carol Boyd

    Carol Boyd


    Very clean shop.Had everthing you would need.

  • Clyde Meli

    Clyde Meli


    Excellent store and friendly staff.

  • Jason Chinn

    Jason Chinn


    This place is packed with everything you could need and a lot you don't. Staff are friendly, speak good English and are happy to help. Prices are a little higher than some of the other small shops we've been in but only by a few cents. The bread in the morning was still warm it was so fresh. Its cramped, a bit messy, with far too much stuff on the shelf but somehow it works. There's a previous review about flour with bugs in - this is a common Mediterranean problem, flour wevils hatch from eggs that are already in the packet of flour. You can just sift them out and use the flour but you should be entitled to a refund/ replacement if you just bought the flour.

  • Shalise Barnes

    Shalise Barnes


    Bought a bag of flour from the shop in Gzira and found bugs inside, brought it back to the shop where the manager left it open on the counter and went back to chatting with her friend after telling me to wait. The staff at this shop in general are incompetent, but this was very unsanitary and could let these bugs into everything else in the shop.

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