The Knot i Il-Fgura

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaThe Knot



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Vjal Kottoner, Il-Fgura, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2166 1699
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.874861, Longitude: 14.526124

kommentar 5

  • en

    Timothy A. Borg


    Excellent service

  • andrew grech

    andrew grech


    Staff can be arrogant with very little variety of stock

  • en

    Pascal Landshoeft


    My wife and I got married in Malta on 17.07.17 in an international German / Irish Wedding. We arrived with the entire family on 14.07.17 and made arrangements with the Knot team for measurements. In total we had to take care of five suits for hire and alterations and one bridesmaids dress for alterations which we brought from Ireland. The knot team went above and beyond to have all the alterations overnight done for collection on the Saturday 15.07.17 which we were first worried about as it was a bit tight due to the fact that we did not want our guests to have the pressure of investing in suits that they would only wear once. Therefore we had to squeeze a lot into three days before the wedding regarding wardrobes. There were also shoes at hand in the shop to avert a last minute black shoe crises as some of the grooms party only brought brown shoes. During the measurements the staff of the knot created a family friendly environment offering tea, biscuits and water and also defusing some potential conflict as people were tired from travelling and a bit stressed in the lead up to the wedding. The knot is a truly reliable partner for planning your wedding abroad in Malta. Customer first and easy Handling. If you like professional family businesses which get the job reliable done for a fair price go hire your suits at the knot. Thanks so much without you we couldn't have done it.

  • Ronald Meli

    Ronald Meli


    Excellent Service, very experienced people who guided us with our requirements. Highly recomended!

  • en

    Luciano Bonnici


    Great service great grooms wear !

nærmeste Tøjbutik

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