The Saint John Boutique Accommodation i Valletta

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MaltaThe Saint John Boutique Accommodation



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176, Triq Il-Merkanti, Valletta VLT 1174, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2124 3243
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.898701, Longitude: 14.515081

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dominic Filocha


    Beautiful and sophisticated hotel. Amazingly friendly and helpful staff that was always available. The room was extremely comfortable with a great king size bed. This is definitely a top notch boutique hotel with a great central location for exploring Valletta and the surrounding towns across the bays. The included breakfast at the cheeky monkey was delightful. Would most certainly return and recommend.

  • Michele Zampini

    Michele Zampini


    Whithout doubt one of the favorite hotels I stayed during my time in Valletta. Upon arrival we were warmly welcomed by the stuff and general manager. The room was really stylish and comfortable with an amazing big shower. The hotel is sited in the middle of the city, perfect if you do not wanna walk too much. Definitely recommend.

  • Dragomir Dragomirov

    Dragomir Dragomirov


    The location of the hotel just adds to all the other pluses, there is literally everything within a few minutes’ walk from the hotel. The hotel also has a restaurant with great food, we shared nachos and had a burger … to die for. There are also lots of other restaurants located around with different types of cuisines. Museums are at every corner and the bus terminal is literally a 5 minute walk away. I do not think I could recommend this place enough. It’s as though you are staying in a mini palace with everything you need on demand.

  • en

    Kevin Borg


    A gem within the city. A beautiful renovated palazzo right in the heart of the city. The location of the boutique hotel is perfect, anything you are looking for is a stone’s throw away. From restaurants to shops, museums, you really don’t need to leave the city if you’re there for a short stay. It’s lovely to see how they mixed the modern and classic with and industrial feel, retaining the antique charm of the building. Not to mention the extremely friendly and helpful staff, I would recommend this place to anyone.

  • Steven Camilleri

    Steven Camilleri


    It was a quick decision as I needed to book asap and was the first hotel I came across in Valletta. It’s a decent stay. A unique, high tech hotel, which I did not expect. The Staff were friendly and respectful of the fact that I did not want to be disturbed. Location is also a plus. Overall it was a good stay.

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