Toni&Guy Plaza, Sliema Malta i Tas-Sliema

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaToni&Guy Plaza, Sliema Malta



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Triq Bisazza, The Plaza, Level 3, Tas-Sliema SLM 1640, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2131 2910
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9093616, Longitude: 14.5062249

kommentar 5

  • Yasmin Triganza

    Yasmin Triganza


    I had my worst experience. I had half blue half black hair all I need was to do my roots one the blue side. 1)The blue didn't match and faded after 2 washes 2) I had 2 people wash my hair the first one used very hot water(she was washing out the bleach so you can imagine the pain) the other one used freezing cold water) 3)when it came to the blow dry they literally left my hair all puffy

  • Massimo Debattista

    Massimo Debattista


    Great service friendly very professional staff.

  • István Nagy

    István Nagy


    well great staff good haircut what else you need.

  • Ainhoa B

    Ainhoa B


    Worst experience ever, first of all I phoned them asking for curly hair extensions, they told me they do that type of extensions, after I went there just to them check my hair. Then, one of the girls wrote my phone number and name in a piece of a dirty paper(very professional) saying to me that they will call me back once the extensions arrives. One week later, no answer, no calls, so, I decided to phone them again, their answer was: we've been looking around and we couldn't get them, so we don't do that type of extensions, is that a joke?

  • en

    Filip Hoang


    Great guy and pleasant personnel. :) Even though I didn't have anything in minds, the Barber managed to make my haircut perfect. :)

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