Velocity Trampoline Park Malta i Ħal Tarxien

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaVelocity Trampoline Park Malta



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138, Triq Il Knisja, Ħal Tarxien, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2010 6346
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8647297, Longitude: 14.5132739

kommentar 5

  • Jaz Fenech Henson

    Jaz Fenech Henson


    We were very disappointed with the size of the park as it was nothing like the photo shown on the official velocity malta webpage. Do not befooled by the false advertising on the on the webpage as the photos are from a different trampoline park not in Malta!

  • en

    Chef Gjorgi


    I like the idea , fun for kids, but being 100meters underground they should have installed ventilation,( i am sure they have) but not enough! place was full of mold, I struggled to breathe, Nice seating area so you can watch your kid, nice bar as well hut no one to help you , so i wonder if its self service?!! Overall will not go again!

  • KateTheGamer



    this is a great place to take your children. I think they should have a warm up before going onto the trampolines so kids won't injure themselves.

  • Owen Vella

    Owen Vella


    Great place to take your kids to for some fun time for all the family. Kids like it as they have the opportunity to release the extra energy they have while doing something different. Recommended. Staff all nice and friendly as well.

  • Jeanpaul Muscat

    Jeanpaul Muscat


    A very nice place to go out with friends. Only complaint is that it is too small sometimes spending more than 1 hour doing the same thing. Overall it’s good

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