VIKS Online Casino i Il-Belt Valletta

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MaltaVIKS Online Casino



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Old Bakery Street, VLT1450, Il-Belt Valletta, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +44 20 3389 6555
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Latitude: 35.8979854, Longitude: 14.5100496

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maria Price


    Over all a great casino with an impeccable service. If you are not looking for the same old welcome free spins with wagering but actually looking for an awesome selection of slots, Viks is the casino for you. Weekend promotions are just great and payout times are competitive. Will definitely be back!

  • nwc1975



    shouldnt even give this casino 1 star. what a joke of a casino. rip you off with your winnings. i deposited with a bonus i completed the bonus and they wouldnt let me withdraw my winnings. DO NOT GO ON THIS SITE

  • en

    Nial Carney


    This casino has the worst bonus system you will ever come across it is a scam I made a deposit off £50 and I got 100% match bonus for £50 I completed the wagering and when I went to withdraw my winnings which was £380 they told me the money is capped at two times the bonus amount so other words if you win big money you cannot withdraw it they will cab it it is a scam and they charge you for depositing and withdrawing so bear in mind if you like winning money but cannot withdraw it don't bother with this casino it is one of the worst I have ever played on in 20 years

  • en

    Norman Nordenvall


    Very helpful and great customer service. Large variety of games and a very responsive site. Love playing over the weekends as they always give out extra bonuses.

  • en

    adam howell


    100% SCAM!

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