Xlendi Beach i Munxar

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MaltaXlendi Beach


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Munxar, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356
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Latitude: 36.0304826, Longitude: 14.2170616

kommentar 5

  • Tamara Innocenti

    Tamara Innocenti


    Virtually no beach, despite the name. Very decadent little village, but nice walks and good views around, even some ancient salt pans and some decent restaurants. About 7mins by bus to Victoria (with 1 bus an hour). Clean water.

  • en

    Alec Heive


    Lovey bay, cliff scenery and waterfront. Many restaurants. For me spoiled by restaurant tents- often difficult to move around.Noisy and dusty- masses of building work going on.

  • Anthony Peter Swallow

    Anthony Peter Swallow


    I go to Xlendi every day. It is nearly fantastic but the beach is all kinds of tiny, the promenade is worn, and the modern architecture on the left hill as you look out to sea broods hideously. Walk down the promenade however towards the sea and you are instantly projected into a magic world of almost unearthly beauty.

  • Jonathan Galea

    Jonathan Galea


    Beautiful public beach. Restaurants around the beach are good. Nice views of the cliffs surrounding the sea

  • Christopher Powell

    Christopher Powell


    Not the nicest Sandy beach but very picturesque. Older kids will love diving off the rocks. Nice walks along the coast can be had. Also, there are a number of nice restaurants right next to the water's edge.

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