Zafiro Restaurant Xlendi i Il-Munxar

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MaltaZafiro Restaurant Xlendi



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Xatt Ix Xlendi, Il-Munxar, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2156 5555
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.0298828, Longitude: 14.217521

kommentar 5

  • bruno gonzalez

    bruno gonzalez


    Located in Xlendi bay, the location is nice, especially when sun is coming down. Food is average: stuffed rabbit was not really tasty while pan fried calamari was good. Service is efficient.

  • Patricia van Mourik

    Patricia van Mourik


    Excellent restaurant with excellent service and really nice food. The place is perfect, you will have dinner with a view at Xlendi Bay!

  • I C Rowe

    I C Rowe


    Had a nice afternoon coffee and cheesecake here overlooking the bay.

  • Paul J Doran

    Paul J Doran


    Fantastic restaurant. Great service. Good menu. Top notch food.

  • Alec Heive

    Alec Heive


    My companion and I spent a very pleasant afternoon here on the front terrace dining area overlooking lovely Xlendi Bay. Food and service was good. We had drinks and food over a two hour period and were not made to feel it was time to leave. I have used the services of this hotel several times in recent years. It has always been to a high standard. The restaurant is part of a boutique hotel which I have used. The accommodation is good, although rooms are smallish.

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