Blue Cave Restaurant i Qrendi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaBlue Cave Restaurant



🕗 åbningstider

Qrendi, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2164 7909
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Latitude: 35.8197538, Longitude: 14.4525124

kommentar 5

  • SP Chiu

    SP Chiu


    Stopped by hoping for a quick drink and bite. They said all the free tables (of which there were plenty) were reserved. Walked by an hour later, all tables still free. I can only assume "no tables" for oriental-looking faces only.

  • hasan faisal

    hasan faisal


    best for Italian and Maltese cuisine. also have bar, fast foods, snacks and pizza.

  • en

    jontee bowater


    The meals were good and the view is great! Staff were friendly.

  • David M

    David M


    We stopped by for a quick coffee and this was the perfect place to do it after enjoying the majesty of the blue grotto. Service was fast and the cafe has a great view. It was only €4 for two large coffees which i found extremely reasonable

  • Dasser Prendergast

    Dasser Prendergast


    Amazing! The service was great, the staff very friendly and the food very good. Topping all this up, the restaurant is situated in a beautiful area, which is enjoyable especially in summer when the weather is warm and one can sit on the outside.

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