Kingfisher Bar & Grill i Il-Qrendi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaKingfisher Bar & Grill



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Triq Congreve, Il-Qrendi, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7997 1571
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Latitude: 35.8195387, Longitude: 14.4533767

kommentar 5

  • Jason Sutton

    Jason Sutton


    Walk away. 10% discount from a car park flyer doesn't apply to the 'tourist menu' although it clearly shows this. Whilst we waited for our food, 1 family walked out because they were left with the menu for far too long, one plate of food returned as it was cold, we had to get the waiter's attention to get menus, asked for coke 3 times before it was brought. We could see our orange juice on the bar for 10 minutes before receiving it and a main course came with veg, not salad as asked. Gordon Ramsey is definitely needed here!

  • marina martin

    marina martin


    Terrible service. The waitresses ignored us for hours.

  • en

    ricai 7


    Terrible we ordered beef and served duck and we were paid for beef, which was obviously much more expensive. Very long service 40 minutes to serve us cold dishes. The fridge where the fish was stored was not even plugged and they say "fresh fish" do not really go there

  • en

    Guillaume Robidoux


    Very old and cheap quality fish. Terrible service. Got bruschetta (90% capers??), fish soup (had to return because it was inedible), and octopus spaghetti (very old, fake tasting octopus). Avoid.

  • Evagoras Isaias

    Evagoras Isaias


    Excellent food, given the fact that you've already knew it's frozen, cheap quality seafood. Nice terrace with spectacular view and the best waitress ever. Thank you Nicole. The five stars is yours!

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