Ananda Marga Yoga and Meditation i Il-Gżira

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaAnanda Marga Yoga and Meditation



🕗 åbningstider

84, Triq San Albert, Il-Gżira, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2133 7093
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9076699, Longitude: 14.4954769

kommentar 4

  • en

    Neal c


    Ananda Marga is regularly making events which are great to recharge your batteries with a lot of good energy. There are regular yoga classes and meditation held at the centre and the people in the community are so hospitable and helpful.

  • en

    anil biz


    I recently attended a detox camp sponsored by the Ananda Marga Malta chapter. They personell were extremely friendly and hospitable. The course was every enlightening and informative. It was holistic that yoga and meditation were also a part of the daily routine. I also was invited to spend a few days in the city centre. The monks were wonderful.

  • en

    Troels Andersen


    This place has a very nice and warm atmosphere. It is not a particular big place but that is what gives it a certain charm. The meditation taught here is from an experienced Indian teacher who has a deep knowledge about both philosophical and practical aspects of yoga. Definitely recommend!

  • Karl Andersson

    Karl Andersson


    Original meditation taught as a public service

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