Arete Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Malta i San Ġiljan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaArete Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Malta



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STJ3141, San Ġiljan, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7706 8317
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9248521, Longitude: 14.4898506

kommentar 5

  • Sam Priestley

    Sam Priestley


    Had an awesome at Arete. Trained for about 6 weeks and was seriously sad to leave. The team is so welcoming and friendly, it was awesome.

  • en

    Alexandra Bach


    Great experience and lovely people. Even as a complete (female) beginner I felt comfortable and will certainly come back

  • Armando V.

    Armando V.


    Great team, and everybody friendly on the mat! Turma muito massa, todo mundo muito amigável e receptivo no tatame! Oss

  • en

    Luke Baldacchino


    Great place to train if you're in Malta. Antti is extremely welcoming and the club has a great vibe. The club is in Gzira which means it's easy to get to from the main travel spots in the island. Will be back.

  • Jason Baldacchino

    Jason Baldacchino


    Tried out the BJJ at Arete yesterday with my brother and I had a great time. If you can deal with the heat, you will find a club with a relaxed atmosphere and a lot of potential. The instructor was very welcoming and the session was divided into clear sections which allowed a range of techniques to be drilled at different paces, with plenty of time for rolling at the end. Needless to say, I will be returning! :)

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