Richard Geres Personal Training i San Ġiljan

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MaltaRichard Geres Personal Training



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Corinthia Hotel St. George's Bay, ix-Xatt Ta' San Ġorġ, San Ġiljan, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2787 7445
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Latitude: 35.9287552, Longitude: 14.4909166

kommentar 5

  • en

    Manuelaroma Aroma


    I've been coming to personal training with Richard Geres for almost 5 months now. He is a great trainer and the results i have achieved are excellent. The team are extremely friendly and always there help if you need anything. I am also impressed with the booking and notification system which informs you on the day and the day before your personal training lesson via email. I have only kind words for you. Manuel Aquilina

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    John Farrugia


    I am 63 and changed my life attending group sessions at Richard Geres. He and his trainers are fantastic they encourage, give you scope and adapt the training to your level. I stopped because of a long trip but will start again from the New year. I highly recommend. That is the only way of keep healthy and flexible especially as we age. Keep it up Richard, the number one in Malta.

  • Liz Borg Cardona

    Liz Borg Cardona


    I have been attending this gym for a number of years. The instructors are professional and do their job well. There is a good atmosphere in the space. Located inside the Corinthia Hotel means parking is easy - ideal when rushing to a session. Trainers manage to give each client adequate attention even in groups of 4. I will continue to attend and am looking forward to the new refurbishments.

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    Liz Tabone


    I have been one of Richard's clients since 2004 and have never looked back since the day I began training with him. Richard is so professional all round; whether it is training clients with a tailor made programme to ensure the best results are attained; following them up with a nutrition plan and always making sure the sessions are varied and motivating. It's definitely hard work, but a way of life we should all get into be it rain or shine. The results are well worth every minute of it and it's a feel good factor knowing we are striving to do our best to lead a healthy lifestyle. I would highly recommend Richard and his team any day!

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    Neville Abela


    I am 50yrs. I was in a 12-week exercise program starting at 137kg. All I had to do is attend for 45 min at the gym, 3 times a week and follow the instructions. In my case no diets, just a little less food (sort of). All this resulted in 8kg less, and lost 4" waist, 4" hip, 2.5" thighs. But most important was lower blood pressure and increase agility (in all senses) and no more pain in my knees. If you are thinking of improving your health, give a present to yourself and enroll in one of his programs. Or give a present to a loved one. At least start the ball rolling and get a start kick with the help of a professional team. Richard Geres and his team are all professionally trained and attentive at your needs. They do not stress you out with too much pressure, just the right exercises and encouragement to do that little extra effort to improve at your own pace. And you will feel the difference in your every day life.

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