Bancinu Restaurant i Ghajnsielem

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MaltaBancinu Restaurant



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Triq Ix Xatt, Ghajnsielem, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2155 5656
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Latitude: 36.0241705, Longitude: 14.2966636

kommentar 5

  • Xia Zhe

    Xia Zhe


    Very tasty food and good staff

  • ciaran o connell

    ciaran o connell


    One of the nicest meals Ive had in Malta, will be back for sure next time in Gozo

  • en

    Adeline Choo


    Excellent food! We had the garlic octopus raviolli and it was just a burst of flavours. The apple crumble was divine too. Not cheap but definitely not expensive either. We had a great time here while waiting for our ferry.

  • en

    Christoph Schlesiger


    The meals were very delicious. The Maltese cuisine here is very good. For our baby we got a highchair. When we ate dessert the lady of the house cared for our child.

  • Simone Ceccolini

    Simone Ceccolini


    The restaurant is next to Gozo port, easy to be reached by feed. Even if we were trying to find some easy restaurant to eat simple food, we were satisfied by the food quality and the courtesy of the staff. @Staff: Most of the menu is quite sophisticated, maybe you can provide some simpler alternatives, especially for lunch; @Visitor: don't be scared by the menu. The dish sizes are good and even if you don't want to spend too much, you can find a good pasta with fresh sauce;

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