Ta' Tona Bar & Restaurant i Mġarr

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MaltaTa' Tona Bar & Restaurant



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Triq ir-Rebħa, Mġarr, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2156 1967
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Latitude: 36.0248042, Longitude: 14.2963061

kommentar 5

  • en



    Had a lovely fishplater for 2 and some great service, with some great suggested local wine. You can really feel the Family spirit in the restaurant. Would definitely recommand it!

  • Joseph Tixx

    Joseph Tixx


    Good atmosphere near the sea. Cosy place. Placed infront of TV to watch football match. Friendly staff. Nicely presented plates, specialising in seafood. However, portions of fish were small!!

  • Nicholas Galea

    Nicholas Galea


    One of Gozo's best restaurant. The staff is lovely and food is absolutely delicious. What's great about it is that the restaurant is so close to the Mġarr Harbour so you're able to leave your car at Ċirkewwa, take the ferry on foot, eat there, and make your way back home! It really all adds to the experience.

  • en

    Ka Yoyo


    Hope the pic looks good as it was!! Definitely one of the best restaurants in Malta & Gozo! Wish it were next to the place I stayed ... As well as its food, people there were so nice and kind with charming smile! As I cannot go back for the short time left in Malta, really would like you reading this to GO!!

  • Laura Chang

    Laura Chang


    Hands down, one of the most delicious meals I had in Malta! The service was also friendly and the waitstaff made great suggestions - we felt very taken care of. We ordered the fried calamari to start. My partner had the cuttlefish spaghetti with cuttlefish ink sauce, and I had the special of the day (spaghetti with fresh clams). Everything was beautifully prepared and incredibly delicious. Both pasta dishes had generous amounts of seafood. It was a wonderful dining experience, and we left very satisfied and happy.

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