Budget Car Rental, Mgarr Gozo i Mgarr

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaBudget Car Rental, Mgarr Gozo



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Triq l-imgarr Mgarr Harbour Mgarr GSM, Mgarr 9013, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2124 6640
internet side: www.budget.com.mt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.02411, Longitude: 14.2969

kommentar 5

  • Robin Koning

    Robin Koning


    Reliable company on Gozo. No hassle. No fuzz. No terrible extra insurance. Just as it should be. Pay and drive. Highly recommended.

  • Marie Lebeau

    Marie Lebeau


    I booked a car for 75€ on the Budget car company from Gozo airport(Avis Malta & Gozo) through the Booking Economy website with a full cover insurance. I discovered after my travel that 114€ extra have been debited from my Mastercard without any notice. After many emails to the company I have been informed that they covered me another insurance that I never requested. Now they refuse to give me the cash back cause this is apparently indicated on the document I signed at the car reception. This is a total scam and I will keep complaining until I have my money back !

  • David Loos

    David Loos


    The pickup time was delayed by more than one hour as the car was delivered by ferry from Malta. As a compensation we received an upgrade and extended rental time. The car was delivered directly to our hotel. The staff was very responsive and friendly. I would use Budget cars again.

  • Come Ceza

    Come Ceza


    Eloignez-vous d'Avis Budget Malta si vous voulez pas payer pour 2 assurances, payer un jour de plus (même si on leur remarque qu'il y a une erreur) ou ne pas être repondu quand on pose des question par e-mail.

  • Uwe Andratschke

    Uwe Andratschke


    Ein Stern ist noch zu viel. Versuchen seit zwei Stunden, jemanden an der Vermietstation zu erreichen, habe eine Stunde vor der Tür gewartet. Angegebene Telefonnummer ist nicht erreichbat: "Call again later..." Die Zentrale hilft auch nicht weiter... Also... Null Punkte!

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