Checkmate Fight Club - Fitness Club Malta i Birgu

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MaltaCheckmate Fight Club - Fitness Club Malta



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Saint Edward Street, Birgu, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 9997 1385
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8832285, Longitude: 14.5271908

kommentar 5

  • Rose Galea

    Rose Galea


    Very professional club and perfect in fitness classes welldone

  • Stefan M

    Stefan M


    Great vibe!!! Everyone is very friendly, sensei is really helpful and patient.If you are looking for a place to train on Malta it's the best choice.

  • Nathaniel Portelli

    Nathaniel Portelli


    The best club on the islands! Must train if you love combat sports! :)

  • Giller99 D'Amato

    Giller99 D'Amato


    The best community and family for fitness training and combat sports. Recommended to give a try. Very professional and friendly. Thanks

  • Sheldon Camilleri

    Sheldon Camilleri


    An Ideal place to train because it has a very good environment. If you're looking for a place to train Mixed martial arts Checkmate is the perfect place. Coaches and students are very helpful because they will be there throughout any difficulty and will make you feel like home. Suitable for beginners and also advanced individuals. The equipment is one of the best and it's never too late to start ! without a doubt the best club I've ever been to

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