Congreve Channel Restaurant i Il-Qrendi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaCongreve Channel Restaurant



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Triq Congreve, Il-Qrendi, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2164 7928
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Latitude: 35.8196355, Longitude: 14.4530901

kommentar 5

  • Karl Magro

    Karl Magro


    Served good, fresh and hot food. Did not take a long while to be served. Amazing view. Overall very satisfied

  • Tobias Madner

    Tobias Madner


    Despite the many bad reviews we wanted to give this restaurant a try and ordered a Maltese platter for 2. The food tasted really delicious and the view to the sea is great. The service was okay, however the waiters could be more friendly. The price of the food is okay for that location, except a bottle of water for 4 Euro is quite expensive (and they don't write the prices of the drinks in the menu).

  • Peepotie



    The starter was soaking oil and was way too salty.. Pasta again oily.. we had to change our order several times, because they didn't have half of the dishes, which were on the menu.. also no drink menu, so you can't see the offer and prizes, the same with desserts... Nice staff will not safe this place

  • Yingkun Bai

    Yingkun Bai


    Not not fresh and pasta tasteless

  • Isho L

    Isho L


    We ordered seafood platter and fish soup, which were so delicious! Friendly and nice service. I really recommend it.

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