Step In i Qrendi

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MaltaStep In


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Qrendi, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2168 3104
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8199452, Longitude: 14.4522215

kommentar 5

  • Ignatius van Zyl

    Ignatius van Zyl


    Nice view. We had the fried starter platter for two, swordfish and octopus. The fresh green salad and fried chips that came with the main course was good.

  • Kateřina Jechova

    Kateřina Jechova


    Very nice place and views, but the worst pizza I have ever had! Pizza and meals look tasty and great, but it tastes horrible. The cheapest ingredients, meat on pizza is not ready, ... do not try this restaurant if you are hungry.

  • en

    M000ka Asa


    The worst octopus dish in Malta I’ve ever had. It’s not hot enough and tastes nothing. Servers carry on their moderate duties. Nothing specials. Just viewing is perfect.

  • Surya Maneesh

    Surya Maneesh


    Amazing 360 degree view from the place. Nice music infact music changes according to weather climate which is cool. Food is ok it's not the best but fine. Very big portions and satisfying. Highly recommended for the view and ambiance!

  • en

    Caroline Thomas


    Had 2 lovely pizzas from Step In, service was very good and friendly. If you like cats, one may visit and show off it's huge eyes imploring you to share, they seem to only come close to people that would tolerate them and this was late in the evening so if you don't like them I wouldn't let it put you off. Portion size is very good, if you're looking for a snack, a pizza between 2 will be plenty, or there's a specific snack menu. Views are stunning, can even watch the sunset from the seating area. Returned for a second time and ended up with mediocre service, food was still lovely though.

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