Day's Inn Hotel i Tas-Sliema

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaDay's Inn Hotel



🕗 åbningstider

75/76, Cathedral Street,, Tas-Sliema SLM 1526, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2133 1162
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9106864, Longitude: 14.5052999

kommentar 5

  • en

    jaeseong Park


    they never change any towels before we require and air condition doesn't help for warmimg and coolering.

  • Clare Davies

    Clare Davies


    After booking our original accommodation 5 months before travelling we got informed night before they had cancelled. We arrived in Malta with no accommodation and running the marathon and a 2 year old. Days inn not only found us rooms but couldn't do enough for us. Staff are amazing and hotel is in a wonderful location. Will return to this hotel 110% again

  • Diana Palacio

    Diana Palacio


    Is confortable, is nearly to the main street of sliema and easy to go to Valletta, the kitchen is dirty but anyone have to clean the own desaster so is dirty for the people who use this space

  • agnieszka gierej

    agnieszka gierej


    wifi only at the reception. in the room it didn't not work although we got our private passwords. Very poor breakfast, only toasted bread and cereals. nevertheless good communication point for bus or ferry

  • Jesper Koudal Jensen

    Jesper Koudal Jensen


    Nice receptionist. Very helpful. Room smelled bad though, and the room was dirty. Pool closes at 19.00. The location of the hotel is great. But all in all, not worth the money spend.

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