Roma Hotel i Tas-Sliema

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MaltaRoma Hotel


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17, Ghar il-Lembi Street, Tas-Sliema, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2131 8587
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Latitude: 35.9122296, Longitude: 14.506416

kommentar 5

  • Johnson's Decision

    Johnson's Decision


    If you want to experience the whole crack den feel then this is the hotel for you. The mattress felt like it had been stolen from a skip and I needed a hip replacement when I got up in the morning. I decided not to indulge in the free breakfast as going by the standard of the room I didn’t fancy risking it.

  • Joanna C

    Joanna C


    Great place for traveling on budget. Cheap, clean, with good view (from the lunchroom - in the room we had view on another building) and perfect point for visiting whole Malta.

  • en

    Layton Stalker


    I have traveled extensively and stayed in $5 a night accommodation in Asia but this was by far the worst I have ever experienced. So where shall I start..... double bed was only covered by a sheet for a single bed, the mattress and sheet were covered in stains, feeling every spring dig into my back. I wouldn't feed the breakfast(basic A.F) to a dog and the coffee was undrinkable. Luckily the "Compass Lounge" was directly across the street on the waterfront, awesome breakfast and coffee and great value. The hotels reception area had a bar that was only accommodated by the staff and or owner that I encountered more than once drunk and almost unable to stand whilst I was collecting my key for the room. Which was almost poinless as it was harldly possible to lock the room as the locks to the room were completely useless. The staff were rude and unhelpful when asked to fix the problem. On the checkout day the cleaning lady helped herself into the room without knocking and telling us that the next guests are waiting so we should hurry and leave the door open - and all of this an hour before checkout time....... I loved Malta and I will return but this hotel is just NOPE

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    Catherine Leuz


    Hotel Roma...a friendly place to stay in Sliema. I've been using this hotel for years and love it. Very central location and great staff.

  • Alan Jones

    Alan Jones


    A basic functional hotel that serves a light continental breakfast. No apparent heating during the winter but a good location for easy access to many of Malta’s key attractions. There is a small lift present. Not all rooms have a good view and there was no bath present only a shower.

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