Duck Village i Il-Gżira

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaDuck Village



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Triq Il-Forti Manoel, Il-Gżira, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 9913 0939
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.9044034, Longitude: 14.4973074

kommentar 5

  • Andr'a S.

    Andr'a S.


    It's amazing how animals can live in peace if you just give them food. Why people can't do that? Unrealistic sight of animals, beautiful gardens just for them, you can feed them and donate for the purpose.

  • Halcyon Flowers

    Halcyon Flowers


    Quaint jumble of little wooden shacks for ducks, geese, chickens, Guinea pigs... They all look very happy together.

  • David Borg

    David Borg


    Interesting quirk on your way in to see Fort Manouel. Maintained by volunteers .

  • martin butterworth

    martin butterworth


    A beautiful selection of ducks and other feathered friends, Nice place to unwind.

  • en

    Evangeline Mifsud


    Lovely place run by donations. Enables a safe and secure home for rabbits, Guinea pigs, chickens, ducks and more. Your welcome to take some food along to feed the animals.

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