Wied Għollieqa Nature Reserve i San Gwann

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MaltaWied Għollieqa Nature Reserve


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University Ring Road, San Gwann, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2131 3150
internet side: www.naturetrustmalta.org
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Latitude: 35.9041973, Longitude: 14.4850684

kommentar 5

  • miguel farrguia

    miguel farrguia


    It's a very nice place for a walk or to be with loved ones

  • Stephanie Said

    Stephanie Said


    One of the few green areas left in the areas surrounding San Gwann. There is access to University via a passageway and a very small bridge

  • Stephen Serracino Inglott

    Stephen Serracino Inglott


    Good effort by NGO's and volunteers to safeguard the natural habitats found in the area.

  • Joseph F Portelli

    Joseph F Portelli


    Nice little breath of nature in amidst the concrete environment. It's quite small, but still feels a little wild. Could do with a clean up of rubbish. If you visit take a plastic bag and pick up a couple of pieces of someone else's rubbish before you leave.

  • Adam Sokołowski

    Adam Sokołowski


    Wild growing bushes next to the one of the main roads. And an access is forbidden :|

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