Eat Ali Sliema i Tas-Sliema

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MaltaEat Ali Sliema



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Triq Ix - Xatt, Tas-Sliema, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7708 0119
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9086057, Longitude: 14.5023418

kommentar 5

  • Дмитрий Бостан

    Дмитрий Бостан


    Great coffee in Italian style & delicious Italian sweets.

  • CrooperVideos .

    CrooperVideos .


    There’s a phrase in Hungary that says: never go to an empty restaurant. Well, I just did, but with all the positive attitude. The start was quite pleasant, they were nice, the place was tidy, the prices were high, but overall it’s Malta and it’s situated at he coast so I had no words against it. I asked for a BBQ Chicken pizza and coke. They delivered it in 20 minutes, which is kinda average. I began to eat, that was the moment of disappointment. Chicken was rarely found on the surface, it was more like a combination of high quantity of mozarella and HP barbecue sauce. And on the top of it the dough was raw. The end result was something similar to a sugar-coma than a lunch. The tip of the iceberg was the broken card-reader which meant they led me to an ATM to pay for the meal. It was clearly not their fault, but it was a nice ending of the story. Well, they can’t say I didn’t give them a chance.

  • MoWTF



    It's very nice place I recommend the cappuccino ❤️

  • Mark Powell

    Mark Powell


    On holiday and popped into Eat Ali First sight is a clean and well kept establishment.. Secondly the service was first class, then the food came out... wow... it was served on a slate plate and clooked to perfection. There is plent to choose from. Thanks guys and all the best for the future Mark and Tracy from the UK

  • Michelle Talorete

    Michelle Talorete


    I love this place. I go here almost everyday and I like how friendly and accommodating they are. The place is nice and food is good. Cheers to Eat Ali Sliema.

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