The Pastry Park i Tas-Sliema

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MaltaThe Pastry Park



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15, Ghar il-Lembi Street, Tas-Sliema SLM 1562, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2708 5059
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.912152, Longitude: 14.506489

kommentar 5

  • João Medeiros

    João Medeiros


    Well worth the visit. We went right after opening and the pastries were very good. The drinks were well made, the best cappuccino in town! As a bonus, the croissants were coming hot from the oven... Heavenly

  • M R

    M R


    Only place to have a great Coffee in Selima. They use 'Lot Sixty One' Coffee which is a company that has a shop in Valletta, best Coffee in my opinion. They also have a great selection of cakes all hand made and fresh every day. A must if you are in the area.

  • Bernd Orttenburger

    Bernd Orttenburger


    Delicious home made cakes and good coffee. Very friendly staff and good location.

  • Änn



    We went there on two occasions. Had filter coffee from the V60 and also a balanced and tasty Caffe latte. All the pastries were delicious especially the cheesecake eclair. On top of that very good service both times!

  • en

    Michał Pers


    Great place with great atmosphere, coffee is delicious and the barista knows how to handle a lot of different methods of preparing it so you can try different types. Pastry is very good and fresh, both sweets and salty items. The inside is very cozy and you can watch the ocean through the windows. We were lucky to discover it in the beginning of our holidays so we visited the place very often. Definitely we would love to get back when we visit Malta again!

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