Good Thaimes i Gzira

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaGood Thaimes



🕗 åbningstider

Gzira, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2767 7002
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Latitude: 35.9039602, Longitude: 14.4948106

kommentar 5

  • Stefano Stella

    Stefano Stella


    Quite small but you can find a lot variety of beers, also homebrew so give it a try! Usually a bit cozy during the weekend but even if it's forbidden, you can have your drink outside till someone tells you to go inside. Average age of 30

  • en

    Filip Trifunovic


    A big selection of beers and a pleasant atmosphere. I recommended stop for all Craft Beer enthusiasts.

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    Jules Christian


    Used to be great when they illegally served excellent Thai food but just a bar now after kitchen closed down.

  • Aleksandar Stanisic

    Aleksandar Stanisic


    Cool place, they had a great fresh Thai food, but now they only serve frozen. Because of the kitchen adoption. They say they will be back with great fresh foods soon. Anyway, it's a great place to have a beer, chat and meet people. Lots of travelers! Beers are 2-3 euros Recommended for sure

  • en

    Louise Mullard-Lee


    Fab little bar. Vast selection of beer from around the world and the Thai food is lush. Staff are always friendly and welcoming

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