GRANA i Il-Gżira

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bouverie Street, GZR 1224, Il-Gżira, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2016 5109
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Latitude: 35.9075979, Longitude: 14.4979866

kommentar 5

  • Andy



    Very tasty pizza and pasta, prepared from good ingredients. Service is good and the prices are reasonable. There's a lot of tables, so there shouldn't be any problems with finding one. Very close to the promenade.

  • Teresa Pinhal

    Teresa Pinhal


    Great food and the staff is really nice and competent. I loved the pizzas... Specially the Tonnata. I recomend the Arancini. The decoration reminds me a New YORK style with a little of 60's film ambience.

  • krista galea

    krista galea


    Excellent food and service ! Highly recommend it!

  • Max Bazzo

    Max Bazzo


    Avoid this restaurant. The food is sub standard at best. We ordered salad that came to the table wet and we had to drain a half glass of water from it. We then ordered the rib eye which was not cooked as per our request and the mixed fried fish plate was horrible. It came with a full fried fish whose flesh was like rubber and two calamari pieces as well as one shrimp. All of which was over fried. Lastly they serve pita bread. We are in malta serve some maltese bread and for god sakes wipe down the oil and vinegar bottles they are sticky and leave you feeling dirty. There wasn’t a happy customer in the restaurant tonight. Waste of money!!!

  • Petra Marosiné Berényi

    Petra Marosiné Berényi


    This restaurant is an excellent choice at mornings and evenings too, the waiters and waitresses are always very kind. The food is very delicious and very various. It's a modern place with great staff and tasty foods, so I can only recommend it.

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