Marrobbio Restaurant i Sliema

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaMarrobbio Restaurant



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Sliema, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2713 0669
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Latitude: 35.9126486, Longitude: 14.5067384

kommentar 5

  • Tania Regueiro

    Tania Regueiro


    Very nice service, attentive and friendly staff, good price. The best are the pizzas!

  • joanna azzopardi

    joanna azzopardi


    the food was very good place is nice but the bathrooms are filthy it seems the sink hasn't been cleaned in months.its only ok as the flushing works and people who use it flush but even the toilet section is dirty and not at all looked after

  • Penny Hounsome, Health & Healing Coach

    Penny Hounsome, Health & Healing Coach


    I can't say enough about their Risotto!!! OMG!!! And the pizza! The best. Even though it was a busy night the staff were attentive and found us a table. And I'm so thrilled they did! The portions were big and the food.... Wonderful enough to take the leftovers home. And everything tasted fantastic the next day for lunch. You know it's the best when you can eat it the next day!! Don't hesitate! Go!

  • Rosalie Cauchi

    Rosalie Cauchi


    Great staff. Tasty food. Loved the choice of a healthy pizza base. Great idea and so tasty! Well done!

  • Keith Pace

    Keith Pace


    Definitely one of the best pizza places in Malta. Favourite would be the don corleone pizza. We also like that they offer various types of dough.

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