Grand Hotel Gozo i Gozo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaGrand Hotel Gozo



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Triq Sant Antnin, Mgarr, Gozo GSM 9026, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2216 1000
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.0266386, Longitude: 14.2959648

kommentar 5

  • Huw Bowen

    Huw Bowen


    Good views of the harbour, good location for getting around the island and good food

  • en

    Joe Mercieca


    Very friendly and efficient serving staff at the hotel's restaurant and bar. Good food reasonably priced. Relaxing atmosphere. Excellent for football / sports lovers. Well frequented by locals and hotel residents

  • en

    Antonella Cauchi Caruana


    I went to this hotel for breakfast on Sunday. It was very reasonably priced. The food was abundant and delicious.

  • en



    Just had another fantastic stay at this lovely hotel. The added indoor heated swimming pool is a brilliant addition. Enjoyed the cinema as well!! Cannot fault the restaurant whatsoever. The meals were delicious and full marks for presentation. All staff, restaurant in particular are first class. Will look forward to visiting again in the future.

  • en



    Lovely room very comfortable bed. Bathroom large could do with a little tlc water pressure not great. View from balcony amazing. The staff at The Grand are all very friendly and helpful and make you feel at home. Food good and portions very large at times too large. Would definitely return.

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