Riviera Resort & Spa i Mellieha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaRiviera Resort & Spa


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Marfa Bay, MLH02, Mellieha, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2152 5900
internet side: www.rivierahotelmalta.com
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Latitude: 35.9858, Longitude: 14.3444

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bobby M


    Pros: Good food and a lot of variety. Their Italian food was the best. Differnet types of cocktails and drinks. Nice staff in restaurant. Nice clean rooms and shower. Very nice view from the hotel. Cons: ROOMS ARE NOT SOUNDPROOF! Every morning you could here the trucks unloaded food and other stuff at 7:30 am! We could hear people in the hall and slamming the doors going to swimming pool. We pretty much couldn't sleep after 7:30 am. Bad receptionists and not so helpful. Our room was not cleaned until 15:00 first day, so we just asked housekeeping to give new towels everyday and nothing more. THERE IS NO BEACH WHERE YOU CAN LAY IN SUN. You have to use the 3 pool areas in hotel. Don't trust the pictures. Jacuzzi's water was not so warm

  • en

    Niamh Connolly


    This hotel is recently renovated. Very very clean room. Great service. The food selections are the best and very delicious. The swimming pools are very clean. Staffs are very friendly. We had a great stay in this hotel. The value for money is very good. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Derrick Vella


    Very nice a great experience. Friendly staff. Direct sea views and very quiet area. Great food too.

  • Mike Butler

    Mike Butler


    Good well presented hotel. The facilities were good. The room we had was excellent. Although only two of us the room had two adjoining rooms with lots of space, tea making facilities, fridge and a decent sized bathroom with modern walk in shower. We hadn't gone all inclusive but the only slight criticism I have is that the food selection was not as good as others I have seen.

  • Paul Pulis

    Paul Pulis


    Just back from a 4-day stay at this Hotel. It was a wonderful and relaxing experience for the whole family. Besides the environment and services, one could also access interesting place within walking distance. A word or appreciation goes to the staff for their friendliness and the management who gave us the opportunity to re-start this holiday after our first attempt had to end abruptly due to a medical emergency. Not only did they do this (when we had no right for it), but also gave us an extra night's stay. Will recommend and return. Our only disappointment is that we could not stay longer.

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