Gzira Health Centre i Il-Gżira

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaGzira Health Centre



🕗 åbningstider

55, Triq Il-Flotta, Il-Gżira, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2134 4766
internet side: deputyprimeminister.gov.mt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.9075614, Longitude: 14.4962384

kommentar 5

  • Bernhard Hermann

    Bernhard Hermann


    A bit of a weird atmosphere at the reception indeed and the ticket system could be easily improved (you have to ask the room who has your number minus one), but it's really not as bad as others write. If you have a health problem, just come and be grateful for the free, rather speedy and competent help. And to people complaining about wrong diagnosis: doctors can't be perfect and some things are hard to diagnose even for 3 of them together. It's not their fault that human bodies are very complex and can have a vast variety of "faults".

  • Natacha Debucois

    Natacha Debucois


    This health center is a big fraud!!! Avoid it ASAP!! Do not come in this health center!!! First of all, the ladies at the reception were really nasty if you are not a local. They will yell at you. After that, I waited an hour and a half (and they were 15 people who were still waiting after me) to see a doctor for a blood test that I have to take every week. He just told me that I have to take an appointment at the reception because it was not an emergency. So I went to the reception, ask for an appointment, and the ladies were still yelling at me and told me that I have to wait a week. When I left they were laughing and mocking. Plus, they give you a number like in a butchery or something like that but you just have to know who is the person before you because there is not any call number...... what a joke, you can die in front of them, they will not do anything....... the center was also very old and dirty.. This is the worst “health center” I’ve ever seen ... 🤬😡😱

  • Zoe Weisz

    Zoe Weisz


    Everyone were very nice withe at the clinic, I was there yesterday because I had trouble for breath and no voice anymore, bad cough... They were a lot of people before me, 10 persons so I know it's the worst kind of condition for work when you are a doctor. She told me I had asthma crises a'd my through is maybe a bit red, gave me a shot of ventolin and I went back home with a box of paracetamol, today I went back to another doctor because I felt worst last night. I have lung infection, thracheitis and asthma crises. I think if she has more time she could figure it out.

  • Rimante Baliutaviciute

    Rimante Baliutaviciute


    At first the doctor say that I have eyes infections, I even needed to use antibiotic. This was wrong diagnose. Second doctor say another diagnose, again antibiotic. Again. Wrong diagnose. Third doctor was so arrogant, he even did not let me to explain all situation and that all these diagnoses were wrong and I need more test, not just antibiotic that does not help me. I waist 5 months with believing in these wrong diagnoses. This clinic need more professionals doctors. Even if this is for free. In the end people are paying taxes. So it is not so for free.

  • Karolis Vitonis

    Karolis Vitonis


    This place is aabsolute joke. They give you queue number, but there is no number displayed as for which number is being served now. So you are left to work out who came before you and how the queue is is moving. Either set it up correctly or keep living in middleages.

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