Hotel Xlendi Resort & Spa i Xlendi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaHotel Xlendi Resort & Spa



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St. Simon Street, Xlendi XLN1300, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2755 3719
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Latitude: 36.029319, Longitude: 14.217596

kommentar 5

  • Aleš Voborník

    Aleš Voborník


    Attention!!! One big scam. Do not make online reservations! There are no corresponding rooms on the pages! The hotel is not maintained. The hotel is not cleaned. Breakfast is terrible. I can praise the view from the rooms in the main hotel.

  • David Prescott

    David Prescott


    I think this is an up and coming hotel but has a way to go. To be honest we only paid £350 for a week in the height of the season so we did not expect much and we were Very pleased to find our room had a magnificent sea view. It was a bit dated but the hotel is being refurbished. What I can't forgive is the cleanliness on arrival we found other residents food left in the fridge broken glass on the floor after a drive to Lidl and purchasing mould spray and antibac and other cleaning items we now have it clean. This situation does not improve for the daily clean either. Don't want to bang on this could in future be a great place. Have fun working out the lifts?

  • Despoina Skalimi

    Despoina Skalimi


    The hotel needs a major refurbishment and the facilities included inside (bar, restaurant etc) need to re-open and start serving. We were here on the rush of the season - late July and early August and it is a shame that 80% of the facilities do not operate. Also parts of the elevators do not work and you have to do the round of the hotel to reach your bedroom. We asked for a double bed but they gave us two single United beds instead which kept moving apart from each other (obviously). Our fridge in the room was broken and kept bringing water out. Other than these, the staff was really nice and helpful. We arrived really late but one member, even though he had finished his shift, checked us in and showed the room. It's a pity for such a big hotel to be so abandoned. It has so much potential.

  • Michael Ellul Vincenti

    Michael Ellul Vincenti


    Xlendi Resort will have a new General Manager next week. I hope he will bring along the much needed refurbishment and staff training. Major extensive changes are imperative before i return to this beautiful location.

  • Jackie Marney

    Jackie Marney


    Well worth it. Staff amazingly great especially Eric. Freshly made continental breakfast. Hotel rooms very comfortable with the best views. If I can I rate 20,on 10. Cannot understand the bad reviews. For two nights two persons breakfast included less than 100 euros. Taking also in consideration not high season and construction is on. Non of this affected our stay. Will recommend highly.

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