InterContinental Malta i Saint Julian's

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MaltaInterContinental Malta



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St George`S Bay, St Julians, St Julian's STJ 3310, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2137 7600
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9239043, Longitude: 14.4880583

kommentar 5

  • Zayna Aston

    Zayna Aston


    Great for conferences and bachelor parties. Located next to the clubs, and gentleman's clubs of St Julien's. Beware of rooms near to the elevator as became quite noisy with returning revelers at all hours.

  • en

    J H


    Worst IHG hotel I've ever stayed at. In my opinion, it is not a five star and is in drastic need of updating. Our room was on the street, so we could not enjoy the breeze from the open windows. The location is not good, unless you enjoy loud construction and late-night partying. This would be a good location if you're younger and enjoy that scene. Malta is a nice place to holiday, but I cannot recommend this hotel or area.

  • en

    Angie Rivas


    Great hotel with high standards and service very friendly. Specially, Phoeng from House Keeping, who is very professional and nice. Always satisfying our requests very quickly and keeping our room clean and tidy, with a smile on her face. And Doris, from the breakfast team, who is really proffesional and friendly. She looked after me when I went for a late breakfast and even if they were cleaning, she empathized instantly with me and stopped what she was doing to offer me a coffee. I really appreciate I could start the way back to home after a warm coffee and wishing to go back to the hotel. 5 stars for both of them!

  • en

    K. B.B.


    This used to be a beautiful hotel. Now, it looks a bit old. Rooms are of a good size, but they need a refreshing. Overall, it is not a bad hotel. But, this is probably a 4 stars hotel and not a 5 stars.

  • Sarah Neale

    Sarah Neale


    A very large sprawling hotel near all amenities and public transport. The entrance is down a small road but the main bus stop for buses coming from the airport is at the back of the hotel, which means you have to walk down and around against the traffic. With children or large luggage this wouldn't be great, but there is no other way to get to the entrance. I think the hotel was too big and so most of the rooms do not have any view at all. It does however boast a lovely outdoor pool on the rooftop that is a very relaxing place to hang out after a long day.

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