Is-Suq tal-Belt i Valletta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaIs-Suq tal-Belt



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Merchants Street, VLT 1175, Valletta, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2210 3500
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8980067, Longitude: 14.5143412

kommentar 5

  • Roulio B

    Roulio B


    The supermarket on level-1 is very well stocked. You can find everything from fruit and veg, meat and fish counters and dry food. They also have a lot of local foods if you are looking for edible souvenirs. There are lots of items that I haven't seen in the other supermarkets on the island. Despite the high-end look of the place the prices are similar to a regular supermarket. The ground floor is pretty much a food court and it looked like there's a lot of options available.

  • Angela O'Connor

    Angela O'Connor


    Good food market / food hall with a wide selection of food styles. The ground floor has restaurants around the walls where you can order and collect food. Examples were: kebabs, fresh fish, Italian pasta, etc. Table service is then available for drinks. There is more seating upstairs and what looked like a food market downstairs, but I didn't venture down.

  • Florrie



    Was excited to visit the old market and looking forward to a coffee and a slice of cake. Wasn’t meant to be. Totally ignored by two members of staff, not even eye contact to acknowledge us. The place was not busy. One guy was coming in and out of the main building doing nothing in particular. The other member of staff could at least give us a menu, she wasn’t too busy to at least do that. Downstairs a member of staff was crunching on an Apple at one of the alcoves (not behind a counter) so unprofessional!

  • Dave Jardine

    Dave Jardine


    Newly renovated building with large food hall housing numerous small kitchens serving a wide range of cuisines; Italian, Maltese, kebab, tapas, fish, etc. Buy your food and sit in the communal area with a beer from the central bar. Nice airy atmosphere and quite busy. Two terraced areas outside, but they may be for specific restaurants only. Downstairs there's a fantastic food market with small stall like shops selling all sorts of fresh and quality produce.

  • en

    Yanica Bonnici


    Atmosphere is really nice the place is nice too. Very popular and very busy place. The idea of the market is great where you can get food from different 'restaurants' and sit at any table. Good service quite clean place. Been there a couple of times and will definitely go again!

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