Malta Self Drive Boats i Tas-Sliema

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaMalta Self Drive Boats



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Tigné Seafront, SLM 3012, Tas-Sliema, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7788 7756
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.906744, Longitude: 14.508837

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tony Xidis


    Had a great experience, the owner Mark was fantastic and gave us great advice where to go in Valetta

  • el

    erasmia georgakopoulou


    Είναι ο πιο γρήγορος τρόπος να πας στην Βαλέτα με οικονομικο εισητηρίο αλλά οι καπεταναίοι είναι ... δυσκίνητοι με το παρκάρισμα

  • melanie-hoi RATEAU

    melanie-hoi RATEAU


    Superbe expérience Merci à Mark pour son accueil Notre de fils de 4 ans a adoré

  • en

    Richard Harlow


    Highly recommend Mark and Malta Self Drive Boats, The Boats are all top quality and very safe and sturdy and the service from Mark was 2nd to none. The boat hire is priced very fare and we were even 10 minutes late back and didn't get charged any extra. Roll on the next trip to Malta to hire again.

  • Michael Köppel

    Michael Köppel


    I am very happy that I came across Mark when I walked along Sliema harbour. Mark is one of the guys you like to have a beer with. Renting the boat was very easy and straight forward. No license required. The boats are in good condition. We cruised around the harbour. We also went out into the sea. It was quite wavy but the boat is stable enough to drive through a little rougher waters as well. This was definitely the best fun activity we did during out stay on Malta. Thank you very much.

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