La Valette Club i Luqa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaLa Valette Club


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Luqa, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2369 6292
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8547559, Longitude: 14.4854103

kommentar 5

  • 蒼井美猫



    マルタ空港内ラウンジ。 セキュリティチェックを終え、エレベーターで上がったらすぐです。 広くは無いですが、座りやすいソファがゆったり配置され居心地が良いです。 飲み物はソフトドリンク、アルコール(マルタ産ワインも、スパークリングは無し)食べ物はハムチーズのおつまみ系からサンドイッチ、パン、パスタ、パンケーキ、フルーツ、デザート等とても充実しています。 お手洗いも綺麗です。 搭乗のアナウンスは無いので、気を付けましょう。

  • Nami Namadzavho

    Nami Namadzavho


    The outdoor sitting planes is heavenly with comfy chairs and a view of the aircraft coming and going! I side the lounge is open, modern and super clean.

  • Faraj Zughaid

    Faraj Zughaid


    This lounge is quite small compared to other airport lounges, but it sure makes up for it in service. Food here is good; I've only been during breakfast time, and it's honestly not bad. There was no cooked dishes served, but the continental breakfast was enough. Staff is friendly, and the whole place feels very cosy.

  • en

    angel dogma


    I have been to a few lounges, and this is quite honestly the best I've been to. It has great views, the food is good and there is a variety of seating, including lounge chairs (where one can have a discreet nap if needed).

  • Raymond Hung

    Raymond Hung


    An average but one of the only lounges at this airport serving all Alliance business class and privilege customers. Some foods available.

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