Lidl i San Gwann

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Triq Ic-Ciklamini 18 San Ġwann SGN, San Gwann 1331, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 8006 2777
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Latitude: 35.9090461, Longitude: 14.477429

kommentar 5

  • Ghassan Zein

    Ghassan Zein


    Its the cheapest in malta! Some famous items/brands arent found but a very good replacement are found. But they dont have fresh cheese and meat. Affordae organic options available

  • James Rizzo

    James Rizzo


    A vast selection of goods, especially frozen food, fresh vegetables, dairy products, bakery. All at very reasonable prices.

  • crirace .

    crirace .


    Perfect, although in the tools section there was some stuff opened by people , and there where drill bits stolen

  • Rafael Vieira

    Rafael Vieira


    Lowest prices in Malta, but it's always super crowded. Selection of products is not great. This particular store is small, the aisles are narrow and barely fit two trolleys side by side. On top of that staff is constantly restocking the shelves, which adds to the claustrophobic feeling. Cashiers are usually very fast, but the queues can still be long (from 5min to 20min). Go for the low prices, but it's not a walk in the park.

  • Dr Joseph Pace

    Dr Joseph Pace


    Lidl is a favourite supermarket for us. But, we looked for a particular Spanish Wine advertised on their weekly catalogue as Special Offer..but could not find it with the wines!

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