Malta International Airport i Luqa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaMalta International Airport


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Luqa LQA 4000, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2124 9600
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8541135, Longitude: 14.4832795

kommentar 5

  • Daria Orosciuc

    Daria Orosciuc


    Love this place. The top floor allows to watch planes. Free wifi. Brilliant.

  • Angela O'Connor

    Angela O'Connor


    Nice small airport. Staff are very friendly and efficient. There are plenty of shops and restaurants, but bear in mind it's not very big. Upon dropping off bags, proceed upstairs for security checks. You will have to do passport checks again depending on the gate you are flying out of. Lines can be long, but they move quickly.




    Arrived in Malta today, the airport seems to be quite modern. Toilet facilities are clean, with a baby changing table. Customs were efficient but not very welcoming. We picked up our suitcases in good time. Now we are going for a taxi. Flew out off Malta Airport on the 7th of May. Highly impressed by the organization in the departures terminal. Great selection of Duty Free stores and eateries before the departure gates. NewLifeKarma.

  • en

    Sharon trevarthen


    Lovely little airport. I recommend using the priority lounge. It is quiet, has Wi-Fi and complementary food and hot, cold and alcoholic drinks. The balcony area is gorgeous and overlooks the runway. Perfect place to spend the time before departure. Departures itself is cramped and gets very crowded in peak season.

  • Daniel Apaloo

    Daniel Apaloo


    Entered Malta via this airport for training and business meetings with QLZH, Malta; Best Property Sales & Letting Company in Malta. To be honest with you, I was pleased with how cordial the staff attended to me right from checking in, immigration and other security checks through to boarding. This airport is not just physically nice, the staff there are equally very nice. 😘😘😘 Not too big a place so very easy on arrivals & at departures.

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