Malta International Airport i Gudja

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MaltaMalta International Airport



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Malta International Airport, Luqa, Gudja, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2124 9600
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8494311, Longitude: 14.4957671

kommentar 5

  • Angel Evdokimov

    Angel Evdokimov


    Worst airport service ever experienced! Check-in opened less than hour before departure, desk staff slow and inadequate. Find another way to visit Malta!

  • Pavel Subert

    Pavel Subert


    Small-ish Airport. Not too busy with enough shops a places to relax 👍

  • Claudia Colantonio

    Claudia Colantonio


    Cute little airport. Not much to do because it is very small.

  • Adam Ledahudec

    Adam Ledahudec


    Small modern airport, easy to navigate. Some construction going on during our visit, but didn't disrupt our travels in the least. Our third time at this airport and we can clearly see the improvement in efficiency and handling capabilities - a must, since the amount of visitors is rising yearly.

  • Enoch Wong

    Enoch Wong


    Overall good little airport. Tourist information is manned by an overweight and impatient woman. She'd rather stare at her phone than look up and help out a traveller. Very unfortunate.

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