Qronfla Farmhouse B&B i Żebbuġ

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MaltaQronfla Farmhouse B&B


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Qronfla Point street, Żebbuġ ZBB 1163, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7762 1479
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Latitude: 36.0662494, Longitude: 14.2326368

kommentar 5

  • de

    Oliver Von Drach


  • Tomasz Jachimowski

    Tomasz Jachimowski


    Bed bugs- I also take them to my house. I do not recommend untill full claning this place!

  • Stachurski Daniel

    Stachurski Daniel


    WARNING: BED BUGS! In our room no1. We've take them with us to our home!! We have to make full cleaning with speciall chemicals (100euro!), 2 days we could not get back to home. The bugs was under the bad and no one have cleaned them. They were also in our friend room. We said owner that somethink was bit us in the night, but no reactions, just recomendation to buy some anti-spray for moscitos. 2: VERY noisy water pump. After every water use in the building it's start to pump water, very irritating after staying more then one night. 3: NO INTERNET CONNECTION! After 2 days charwoman took the 4G modem from house because "we use it too much". 4: NO TV working. The antena's broken. I was tring to fix it but the main cable was damaged. Sweat breakfast without any normal think to eat. Onle sweet bread, with swaet jam and milk/cornflakes. After first one we give up from it. We'll remmember this accommodation for a very long time. First, we were delighted with the house. It quickly turned out that not all is the gold what's shining. WARNING: for bed bugs. Don't bring them with you to youre house!

  • en

    Paula Tanke


    Nice Farmhouse. Unfortunately there is no air conditioning

  • en

    saké Kostak


    Nice place with an amazing view

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