Ramla Valley Extra Virgin Olive Oil... i Nadur, Gozo, Malta

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MaltaRamla Valley Extra Virgin Olive Oil...


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5,Triq Għajn Qasab, Nadur, Gozo, Malta NDR 9088, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 7982 9789
internet side: www.ramlavalley.com
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Latitude: 36.0576108, Longitude: 14.2852065

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rodianne Camilleri


    Ramla Valley EVOO is one of the best I ever tasted. Apart from a very nice aroma it leaves a fruity, nutty and spicy flavor in the mouth. Once tasted this extra virgin olive oil you won’t change ! Interesting also are the infusions with different herbs which are fantastic.. Highly recomended :)

  • en

    Marie Louise Camilleri


    Best Extra Virgin Olive oil tasted - will continue using it - a genuine local product!!

  • en

    Josianne Xerri


    It s a great and unique extra virgin olive oil!! Superb!! Thumbs up to Ramla Olive Oil producers - Chris & George!!

  • elaine camilleri

    elaine camilleri


    This is one of the best olive oil I ever tasted on the island. This unique product reflects and exhibits complex taste characteristics. I surely recommend others to make use of this exquisite Extra Virgin Olive Oil !

  • en

    Sammy Camilleri


    Tasted the olive oil a while back for the first time, since than I kept using using it, it's very rich in favour and tge taste is excellent. Ramla valley olive oil also went into the trouble to show me how it's done, step by step. It's a fascinating process. Thumbs up for ramla valley olive oil, keep it up :)

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