Salina Nature Reserve i In-Naxxar

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MaltaSalina Nature Reserve



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Tul il-Kosta Salina, In-Naxxar NXR 9031, Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2137 0478
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9448548, Longitude: 14.4234309

kommentar 5

  • Paul Knighton

    Paul Knighton


    The conservation work this ngo are doing is transforming the area, there's a little information on the various wildlife they are helping to protect, however, as a tourist attraction there should be a cafe, and somewhere to buy the salt that's produced, ( even though it would be a secondary income). Entry was free.

  • eimear oreilly

    eimear oreilly


    Not much to see or do here, I don’t understand how this is called a national park. It’s a tiny park right beside a motor way. I came to Malta on a trip from London and honestly there is more relaxing spaces in London than Malta. We seen the salt pans which were nice to look at but not somewhere you would chill as there’s a motorway right behind you.

  • Authentic Malta

    Authentic Malta


    Great place. Free and interesting. Still organazing things, but it worths a visit, and you'll be contributing to a good cause

  • Papai Melinda

    Papai Melinda


    Relaxing nice place in all year. Thanks we can enjoy every day with my dog. Huge walking area.

  • Alvaro Perez Moral

    Alvaro Perez Moral


    Nice. Helpful personal. Mixed of culture and nature. You are also helping BirdLife (NGO) in creating an oasis for bird watching


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