SMSMondial i Valletta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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311, Republic Street, VLT1110, Valletta, MT Malta
kontakter telefon: +356 2277 6000
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.8966382, Longitude: 14.5098472

kommentar 5

  • en

    Arnar Vilhjalmsson


    Good service

  • en

    ann brown


    Booked flights with the Valetta office and a taxi to take us to the airport. Taxi didn't turn up and we had to find our own. Then at the check in we find that only one of our bags had been paid for. Could have done a better job myself online. Not impressed.

  • Olga Sokolova

    Olga Sokolova


    I was provided with wrong time of my tour. And after I waked up at 5 at the morning and arrived to Independence Monumet two hours earlier then meeting time I didn't hear any apologies. I was told that departure time is at 9:15 without any sorry. I think somebody at SMS has to learn that in case of failure it is better to start with sorry and some suggestions how to spend waiting time. I never-ever will be a client of SMS.

  • en

    Elisabetta Cibrielli


    I recently enjoyed a vacation in Santorini, purchased through SMS Mondial. It was truly an amazing experience. The Holiday Package was definitely worthwhile and the staff really helpful in selecting the right holiday, taking into consideration the fact that we were travelling with our 4 year old son. The direct flights from Air Malta, hotel accommodation and transfers were organized flawlessly. I will definitely book again and recommend SMS Mondial to all my friends.

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    A Gerth


    This travel company and our agent created a wonderful trip for us to Corfu. Our agent was knowledgeable,cooperative and patient. Our favorite excursion was Albania and our trip to Paxos & Parga was beautiful. The only regret is that we couldn't spend more time.

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